.. index:: ! Installation Installation ============ The plugin is designed to run within ``ImageJ``. This can be the original ``ImageJ`` (version 1) or any modified version of ``ImageJ`` such as ``ImageJ2`` or ``Fiji``. .. index:: ! Install using ImageJ2/Fiji Install using ImageJ2/Fiji -------------------------- The SMLM plugins are distributed using an ``ImageJ2``/``Fiji`` update site. This allows the plugins to be easily installed and kept up-to-date. To install the plugins using ``Fiji`` just follow the instructions here: * https://imagej.net/Following_an_update_site Add the ``GDSC SMLM2`` update site. ``Fiji`` will automatically check for a new version during start-up and install it if desired. All the plugins will appear under the ``Plugins > GDSC SMLM`` menu. .. index:: ! Install using ImageJ version 1 Install using ImageJ version 1 ------------------------------ The plugin is designed to run within ``ImageJ``. You can obtain the latest version of ``ImageJ`` from: * https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/download.html To get the plugins you can download the latest Jar files from the update site and put them in your ``ImageJ`` plugins folder. The jars can be found here: * https://sites.imagej.net/GDSC-SMLM2/ You will also need to install the additional Apache Commons Math 3 library and EJML. These are already included in ``Fiji`` so are not on the update site. You can get the files here: * `Apache Commons Math 3 `_ * `EJML v0.24 `_ Place all of the following ``jar`` files into the ``ImageJ`` plugins directory: .. list-table:: :widths: 30 70 :header-rows: 1 * - Jar File - Description * - commons-math3 - Contains math routines. * - commons-rng-* - Contains random number routines. * - gdsc-analytics - Contains the GDSC analytics library. * - gdsc-core - Contains the GDSC core library. * - gdsc-core-ij - Contains the GDSC core ``ImageJ`` library. * - gdsc-smlm - Contains the GDSC SMLM library. * - gdsc-smlm-ij\_ - Contains the GDSC SMLM ``ImageJ`` plugins. * - ejml - Efficient Java Matrix Library for linear algebra. Requires version 0.24. This is the version used by ``Fiji``. * - fastutil-core - Library for type-specific Java collections. * - JTransforms - Library for multi-threaded Fourier transforms. * - JLargeArrays - Support library for JTransforms. * - protobuf-java-* - Google protocol buffers library for readin/writing data. * - mfl-core - A library for reading/writing Matlab Mat5 matrix files. * - xstream - A library for reading/writing XML. The plugins will be visible under the ``Plugins > GDSC SMLM`` menu. An ``ImageJ`` toolset can be installed using the ``GDSC SMLM > Toolset > Install SMLM Toolset`` plugin. When selected the toolset adds a set of buttons on the ``ImageJ`` toolbar for commonly used plugins. More details can be found in section :numref:`{number}: {name} `.